Hello Splitboard Family
For those of you still looking for a spring splitboard trip then you’re in the right place. But, we only have a couple of slots left during April 2025, which is perhaps THE best month for splitboard touring at altitude here in the Alps.
ALPS – Sunday 6th – Wednesday 9th April: This is a 4-day trip which we plan to spend at altitude. It includes 4 days of UIAGM splitboard guiding with Polo Verdier and 2 nights of refuge accommodation, transport to whichever country / zone we’ll be touring in and the use of any equipment required. Only 2 places left: €1795
NORWAY – Saturday 12th – Saturday 19th April: We are still hopeful of getting back over to one of our most favourite places, ever! After a little thought we have decided to open up the group size to accommodate 5 people – this is because, in part, we are now super comfortable with the area and managing a crew of that size there. It also means that we can spread the cost of of the trip bringing it down from €4295 per person to only €3595 per person. Please get in touch directly for more info.
ALPS – Sunday 13th – Thursday 17th April: If we don’t make it back to Norway (sob) then we will open up this date range for either a 4 or 5 day altitude trip. If you’d like to register interest in this then please let us know.
That’s it, that’s all we left in 2025.
Drop us a line – paul@theridersocial.com or WhatsApp on 0033 685 95 27 35